Botulinum Toxin Injections (Botox)
Along with the effects of sun exposure and gravity the dynamic movement of the face plays as large a role as any in contributing to wrinkles and the facial aging process. These dynamic facial lines are caused by the movement of the underlying facial muscles and are usually first noticed around the age of 35 with fine lines around the eyes known as crow's feet and fine creases in the forehead and between the eyebrows. As time passes, unfortunately these lines deepen, become more obvious and seem to multiply. Botulinum toxin injections can prevent these by temporarily (usually 2-4 months) inhibiting the movements of the underlying muscles. At North Texas Medical Center Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. Sanderson will assess the patterns of your facial creases and develop an injection plan specific to you, making every attempt to avoid the expressionless look many patients are concerned about when considering botulinum toxin injections. The initial consultation is usually followed by an appointment one week after to reassess and determine if any "touch ups" are needed. As part of a global attempt to slow down the aging process Dr. Sanderson may also recommend other skin care treatments along with botulinum toxin injections to help maintain a youthful appearance.